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Tags denial of service

How to crash SIPVicious - introducing

Published on Jun 22, 2010 in , ,

A new tool has been added to SIPVicious - As the name implies, it crashes something - and This tool is meant to be used by system administrators and organizations that are receiving unauthorized scans on their exposed IP PBX. Quick links: Download the latest version :: Watch a short demo of Since this is a little different from the usual, I’ll provide a bit of background first.…

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Cisco IP Phone 7940 exploits

Published on Aug 22, 2007 in ,

Is it just me, or is public exploit code for SIP devices and SIP software appearing more often? Published on milw0rm - two perl scripts which launch a DoS attack [1][2] on Cisco IP Phone 7940. The advisories[1][2] can be found on full disclosure. These vulnerabilities seem to be related to sequence of certain SIP requests being sent to the IP phone. So how were these vulnerabilities found? The researchers were making use of their own fuzzer called Madynes VoIP fuzzer KIPH, which supports “state tracking”.…

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