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VoIP and WebRTC
Security Articles

Long read articles about vulnerabilities and attacks affecting VoIP and WebRTC applications and infrastructure by Enable Security.

a phone receiver being crushed by a hand

Attacking a real VoIP System with SIPVicious OSS

Last updated on Jun 8, 2020 in , ,

Recently, we put out a target server on the Internet at which hosts a Kamailio Server handling SIP over UDP, TCP, TLS as well as WebSockets. Behind that, the observant reader will soon discover that an Asterisk server handles the voicemail and echo services. This is actually a fully functioning (real) VoIP system that’s ready to be attacked. Therefore, in combination, these software packages allow us to reproduce a number of common security vulnerabilities affecting VoIP and WebRTC systems.…

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Sandro Gauci

Sandro Gauci, Enable Security

Jitsi Meet on Docker default passwords - how bad is it, how to detect and fix it

Executive summary (TL;DR) Jitsi Meet on Docker contained default passwords for important users, which could be abused to run administrative XMPP commands, including shutting down the server, changing the administrative password and loading Prosody modules. We also provide instructions on how to check for this issue if you administer a Jitsi Meet server. Background story A few days ago we noticed a tweet by @joernchen mentioning something that sounded familiar, Jitsi.…

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Sandro Gauci

Sandro Gauci, Enable Security

How we abused Slack’s TURN servers to gain access to internal services

Last updated on Apr 6, 2020 in , , ,

Executive summary (TL;DR) Slack’s TURN server allowed relaying of TCP connections and UDP packets to internal Slack network and meta-data services on AWS. And we were awarded $3,500 for our bug-bounty report on HackerOne. A very brief introduction to the TURN protocol The Wikipedia page for this protocol is somewhat handy because it explains that: Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) is a protocol that assists in traversal of network address translators (NAT) or firewalls for multimedia applications.…

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